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Team Voyage focuses upon the development of a coherent, meaningful and distinctive team identity.  Seeking to embed behaviours that reinforce a teams unique identity, creating a sense of belonging and leading teams towards a platform of continuous improvement.

Our program steps:

  1. Develop an understanding of, and differentiation between our team’s and the ‘other teams’. “Giving clarity of membership and shared mental models and beliefs”.
  2. Increase; accountability, ownership, motivation, energy and commitment. Building resilience, communication and openness plus trust and learning – (Defined in commissioning process – See Commissioning a group theory team build)
  3. Build your teams own internal regulations for behaviours – clear norms and expectations – their own team rules book
  4. Establish clearly that the team has control over its own destiny, that members really feel that working together, they can be successful, supported by a clear perception of collective accountabilityIf one fails – we all fail.

Define the best format for your team’s journey. Offsite vs ON SITE (See Team Interventions On site Vs Offsite) Select an appropriate venue that balances inspiration and challenge & sets the right tone to moving your team into new ways of working together. Plus identify how you can support change in an on-going basis (team coaching / telephone coaching / Leadership training)

Define how you will explore team members before & after intervention.  Performance interviews / observations – Metric (TeamMark) is the 1st really useful group identity tool for collecting “team data” available from the Centre for Team Excellence  TeamMARK’is an online questionnaire, which can be emailed to individuals within the team. It collects meaningful team performance data and also works, post intervention, to provide a before & after metric.

Define facilitators – Number & quality.  Sounds kinky perhaps but One to watch & One to lead – really leverages efficiency!  Good facilitators speak powerfully to the needs of the team and the business context as a whole.
Facilitator experience and knowledge is inevitably linked to cost… Top Tip – if you want to grow your complex fortune 50 businesses, then its best not to select your facilitator from the budget pile – you will get what you pay for!

Set clear Team development objectives and performance outcomes. Establish the foundations of a real team. The TRIBE model is available from the Centre for Team Excellence along with the facilitator training to effectually facilitate it. This gives team members the opportunity to take control and create a social context for their team.

Team Voyage work through a number of facilitated discussions that enable teams to establish shared understanding of what it means to be in their real team. Then practice using these behaviours to sail a yacht. It’s always a journey of discovery for the team and the Yacht.

Team Voyage provides skipper, team and leadership development programs using sailing as our classroom. Contact me on: 07940 755661 or email me at

The Centre for Team excellence is our Partner and knowledge base